Notes: nuclear models

Notes on the internal implementation details of the nuclear models. Anything discussed here is not considered to be part of the public API.

Density vs. potential

The nuclear charge density and the corresponding potential are related to each other via the Poisson equation. In radial coordinates, for a spherically symmetric density, the potential at $r$, as per equation (22) in Andrae2000, is given by the following integral

\[V(r) = - \frac{4\pi}{r}\left[ \int_0^r s^2 \rho(s) ~ds + r \int_r^\infty s \rho(s) ~ds \right]\]

In the tests, we use this to numerically verify that the implementations for density and potential actually match, as they are generally implemented independently based on analytical expressions.

The numerical integration can be done using the following routine

using QuadGK
function potential_quadk(ρ, r; rmax = Inf, rscale = 1.0)
    # Based on equation (22) in Andrae. The potential is split into two separate integrals
    # on the intervals [0, r] and [r, ∞).
    # However, often the density can have its non-trivial parts at very small r values,
    # which means that the adaptive quadgk algorithm might not realize that it even has
    # non-zero parts. To work around that, we do 2 things:
    # 1. We scale the r-axis with rscale (so r = rscale*t), and actually integrate in t.
    #    In practice, we'll use the RMS value for the scaling, since we'd expect that to
    #    correspond to the scale at which the density has a non-trivial shape.
    # 2. If r is much greater than rscale, we split the [0, r] integration into two
    #    sub-intervals, hoping that we capture all the non-trivial part in the first
    #    interval.
    # The change of variable r = rscale*t leads to
    #   ∫ f(r) dr = rscale ∫ f(rscale*t) dt
    # So we have to also multiply the resulting integral with rscale.
    _I1(t) = rscale^3 * t^2 * ρ(rscale*t)
    I1, δ1 = min(r, rmax)/rscale > 10.0 ? quadgk(_I1, 0, 10.0, min(r, rmax)/rscale) :
        quadgk(_I1, 0, min(r, rmax)/rscale)
    I2, δ2 = (r < rmax) ? quadgk(t -> rscale^2 * t * ρ(rscale*t), r/rscale, rmax/rscale) : (0.0, 0.0)
    # add up the subintegral based on equation (22):
    -4π*(I1/r + I2)

As an example, let's plot a few arbitrary cases

using AtomicMiscellany.NuclearModels
using Plots: plot, plot!
rs = range(0, 1, length=101)
let nm = UniformSphericalNucleus(0.6)
        rs, potential_quadk.(r -> density(nm, r), rs, rmax = 0.6, rscale = rms(nm)),
        label = "Uniform sphere", c = 1, lw = 3,
    plot!(rs, (r -> potential(nm, r)).(rs), c=:black, ls=:dash, label=nothing)
let nm = GaussianNucleus(0.25)
        rs, potential_quadk.(r -> density(nm, r), rs, rscale = rms(nm)),
        label = "Gaussian", c = 2, lw = 3,
    plot!(rs, (r -> potential(nm, r)).(rs), c=:black, ls=:dash, label="Analytic")