System of equations

When dealing with large energy expressions resulting from many configurations, when deriving the orbital equations (see N-body equations and Calculus of Variations – Implementation), many of the integrals involved will be shared between the different terms of the equations. It is therefore of interest to gather a list of integrals that can be calculated once at every iteration (in a self-consistent procedure for finding eigenstates, or in time-propagation), and whose values can then be reused when solving the individual equations. The routines described below, although primitive, aid in this effort.

The idea is the following: With an energy expression on the form

\[\begin{equation} E(\vec{P},\vec{c}) = \frac{\vec{c}^H \mat{H}\vec{c}}{\vec{c}^H\vec{c}} \end{equation}\]

where $\vec{P}$ is a set of orbitals, $\vec{c}$ is a vector of mixing coefficients, and

\[\begin{equation} \mat{H}_{ij} \defd \matrixel{\chi_i}{\Hamiltonian}{\chi_j}, \end{equation}\]

all terms of the equations can be written on the form

\[\begin{equation} \label{eqn:equation-term} \operator{A}\ket{\chi} \underbrace{\left[ \sum_n \alpha_n \conj{c}_{i_n} c_{j_n} \prod_k \int_{n_k} \right]}_{\textrm{Rank 0}}, \end{equation}\]

(or on its dual form with conjugated orbitals) where $\operator{A}$ is some one-body operator, $\alpha_n$ a coefficient due to the energy expression, $\conj{c}_{i_n} c_{j_n}$ the coefficient due to the multi-configurational expansion, and finally $\int_{n_k}$ all the extra integrals (which are necessarily zero-body operators) that may appear due to non-orthogonal orbitals (and which may be shared between many equations). The operator $\operator{A}$ can have ranks 0–2; formally, it can only have rank 0 (multiplication by a scalar) or 2 (multiplication by a matrix). What we somewhat sloppily to refer by “rank 1” is an operator of rank 2, but which is diagonal in the underlying coordinate, such as a local potential.

Thus, to efficiently perform an iteration, one would first compute all common integrals $\int_k$, and then for every equation term of the form $\eqref{eqn:equation-term}$, form the coefficient in the brakets, calculate the action of the operator $\operator{A}$ on the orbital $\chi$, multiplied the coefficient.

There are a few important special cases of $\eqref{eqn:equation-term}$:

  1. Field-free, one-body Hamiltonian, i.e. $\operator{A}=\hamiltonian_0$. This is the contribution from the orbital $\ket{\chi}$ to itself. Rank 2.

  2. One-body Hamiltonian, including field, i.e. $\operator{A}=\hamiltonian$. This is the contribution from another orbital $\ket{\chi'}$ to $\ket{\chi}$ via some off-diagonal coupling, such as an external field (e.g. an electro–magnetic field). Rank 2.

  3. Direct interaction, i.e. $\operator{A}=\direct{kl}$, where two other orbitals $\ket{\chi_k}$ and $\ket{\chi_l}$ together form a potential acting on $\ket{\chi}$. “Rank 1”.

  4. Exchange interaction, i.e. $\operator{A}=\exchange{kl}$, where another orbital $\ket{\chi_k}$ and $\ket{\chi}$ together form a potential acting on a third orbital $\ket{\chi_l}$. Rank 2.

  5. Source term, i.e. a contribution that does not involve $\ket{\chi}$ in any way. This term arises from other configurations in the multi-configurational expansion. Case 2. is also formulated in this way. Rank 0–2. If for some reason the source orbital and/or the operator acting on it is fixed, it may be possible to precompute the effect of the operator on the source orbital and reduce the computational complexity to a rank 0-equivalent operation.


We start by defining a set of configurations and specifying that a few of the constituent orbitals are non-orthogonal:

julia> cfgs = [[:i, :j, :l, :k̃], [:i, :j, :k, :l̃]]
2-element Array{Array{Symbol,1},1}:
 [:i, :j, :l, :k̃]
 [:i, :j, :k, :l̃]

julia> continua = [:k̃, :l̃]
2-element Array{Symbol,1}:

julia> overlaps = [OrbitalOverlap(i,j) for i in continua for j in continua]
4-element Array{OrbitalOverlap{Symbol,Symbol},1}:

We then set up the energy expression as before:

julia> H = OneBodyHamiltonian() + CoulombInteraction()
ĥ + ĝ

julia> E = Matrix(H, SlaterDeterminant.(cfgs), overlaps)
2×2 Array{EnergyExpressions.NBodyMatrixElement,2}:
 (i|i)⟨k̃|k̃⟩ + (j|j)⟨k̃|k̃⟩ + (l|l)⟨k̃|k̃⟩ + (k̃|k̃) - G(i,j)⟨k̃|k̃⟩ + F(i,j)⟨k̃|k̃⟩ + … - G(i,k̃) + F(i,k̃) - G(j,k̃) + F(j,k̃) - G(l,k̃) + F(l,k̃)  …  (l|k)⟨k̃|l̃⟩ - [i l|k i]⟨k̃|l̃⟩ + [i l|i k]⟨k̃|l̃⟩ - [j l|k j]⟨k̃|l̃⟩ + [j l|j k]⟨k̃|l̃⟩ - [l k̃|l̃ k] + [l k̃|k l̃]
 (k|l)⟨l̃|k̃⟩ - [i k|l i]⟨l̃|k̃⟩ + [i k|i l]⟨l̃|k̃⟩ - [j k|l j]⟨l̃|k̃⟩ + [j k|j l]⟨l̃|k̃⟩ - [k l̃|k̃ l] + [k l̃|l k̃]                                     (i|i)⟨l̃|l̃⟩ + (j|j)⟨l̃|l̃⟩ + (k|k)⟨l̃|l̃⟩ + (l̃|l̃) - G(i,j)⟨l̃|l̃⟩ + F(i,j)⟨l̃|l̃⟩ + … - G(i,l̃) + F(i,l̃) - G(j,l̃) + F(j,l̃) - G(k,l̃) + F(k,l̃)

Finally, we derive the coupled integro-differential equation system for the continuum orbitals , :

julia> eqs = diff(E, Conjugate.(continua))
  [1, 1]  =  + (i|i)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + (j|j)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + (l|l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + ĥ|k̃⟩ - G(i,j)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + F(i,j)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - G(i,l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + F(i,l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - G(j,l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + F(j,l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - [i|k̃]|i⟩ + [i|i]|k̃⟩ - [j|k̃]|j⟩ + [j|j]|k̃⟩ - [l|k̃]|l⟩ + [l|l]|k̃⟩
  [1, 2]  =  + (l|k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - [i l|k i]𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + [i l|i k]𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - [j l|k j]𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + [j l|j k]𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - [l|l̃]|k⟩ + [l|k]|l̃⟩
, OrbitalEquation(l̃):
  [2, 1]  =  + (k|l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - [i k|l i]𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + [i k|i l]𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - [j k|l j]𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + [j k|j l]𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - [k|k̃]|l⟩ + [k|l]|k̃⟩
  [2, 2]  =  + (i|i)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + (j|j)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + (k|k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + ĥ|l̃⟩ - G(i,j)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + F(i,j)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - G(i,k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + F(i,k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - G(j,k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + F(j,k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - [i|l̃]|i⟩ + [i|i]|l̃⟩ - [j|l̃]|j⟩ + [j|j]|l̃⟩ - [k|l̃]|k⟩ + [k|k]|l̃⟩
], Any[(i|i), (j|j), (l|l), G(i,j), F(i,j), G(i,l), F(i,l), G(j,l), F(j,l), [i|i]  …  [j k|l j], [j k|j l], [k|k̃], [k|l], (k|k), G(i,k), F(i,k), G(j,k), F(j,k), [k|k]])

We can investigate the MCEquationSystem object eqs a bit. It consists of two coupled equations:

julia> eqs.equations
2-element Array{EnergyExpressions.OrbitalEquation{Symbol,SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{LinearCombinationEquation,Int64}},1}:
  [1, 1]  =  + (i|i)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + (j|j)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + (l|l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + ĥ|k̃⟩ - G(i,j)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + F(i,j)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - G(i,l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + F(i,l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - G(j,l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + F(j,l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - [i|k̃]|i⟩ + [i|i]|k̃⟩ - [j|k̃]|j⟩ + [j|j]|k̃⟩ - [l|k̃]|l⟩ + [l|l]|k̃⟩
  [1, 2]  =  + (l|k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - [i l|k i]𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + [i l|i k]𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - [j l|k j]𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + [j l|j k]𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - [l|l̃]|k⟩ + [l|k]|l̃⟩

  [2, 1]  =  + (k|l)𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - [i k|l i]𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + [i k|i l]𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - [j k|l j]𝐈₁|k̃⟩ + [j k|j l]𝐈₁|k̃⟩ - [k|k̃]|l⟩ + [k|l]|k̃⟩
  [2, 2]  =  + (i|i)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + (j|j)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + (k|k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + ĥ|l̃⟩ - G(i,j)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + F(i,j)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - G(i,k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + F(i,k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - G(j,k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ + F(j,k)𝐈₁|l̃⟩ - [i|l̃]|i⟩ + [i|i]|l̃⟩ - [j|l̃]|j⟩ + [j|j]|l̃⟩ - [k|l̃]|k⟩ + [k|k]|l̃⟩

The first equation consists of the following terms:

julia> eqs.equations[1].terms
6-element Array{Pair{Int64,Array{EnergyExpressions.MCTerm,1}},1}:
  0 => [MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 1, 1, 𝐈₁, :k̃, [1]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 1, 1, 𝐈₁, :k̃, [2]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 1, 1, 𝐈₁, :k̃, [3]), MCTerm{Int64,OneBodyHamiltonian,Symbol}(1, 1, 1, ĥ, :k̃, Int64[]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 1, -1, 𝐈₁, :k̃, [4]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 1, 1, 𝐈₁, :k̃, [5]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 1, -1, 𝐈₁, :k̃, [6]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 1, 1, 𝐈₁, :k̃, [7]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 1, -1, 𝐈₁, :k̃, [8]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 1, 1, 𝐈₁, :k̃, [9]), MCTerm{Int64,ContractedOperator{1,2,1,Symbol,CoulombInteraction,Symbol},Symbol}(1, 1, -1, [i|k̃], :i, Int64[]), MCTerm{Int64,ContractedOperator{1,2,1,Symbol,CoulombInteraction,Symbol},Symbol}(1, 1, -1, [j|k̃], :j, Int64[]), MCTerm{Int64,ContractedOperator{1,2,1,Symbol,CoulombInteraction,Symbol},Symbol}(1, 1, -1, [l|k̃], :l, Int64[]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 2, 1, 𝐈₁, :l̃, [13]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 2, -1, 𝐈₁, :l̃, [14]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 2, 1, 𝐈₁, :l̃, [15]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 2, -1, 𝐈₁, :l̃, [16]), MCTerm{Int64,IdentityOperator{1},Symbol}(1, 2, 1, 𝐈₁, :l̃, [17])]
 10 => [MCTerm{Int64,ContractedOperator{1,2,1,Symbol,CoulombInteraction,Symbol},Symbol}(1, 1, 1, [i|i], :k̃, Int64[])]
 19 => [MCTerm{Int64,ContractedOperator{1,2,1,Symbol,CoulombInteraction,Symbol},Symbol}(1, 2, 1, [l|k], :l̃, Int64[])]
 11 => [MCTerm{Int64,ContractedOperator{1,2,1,Symbol,CoulombInteraction,Symbol},Symbol}(1, 1, 1, [j|j], :k̃, Int64[])]
 12 => [MCTerm{Int64,ContractedOperator{1,2,1,Symbol,CoulombInteraction,Symbol},Symbol}(1, 1, 1, [l|l], :k̃, Int64[])]
 18 => [MCTerm{Int64,ContractedOperator{1,2,1,Symbol,CoulombInteraction,Symbol},Symbol}(1, 2, -1, [l|l̃], :k, Int64[])]

where the MCTerm objects indicate which components of the mixing coefficient vector $\vec{c}$ need to be multiplied, and all the integers are pointers to the list of common integrals:

julia> eqs.integrals
32-element Array{Any,1}:
 [i l|k i]
 [i l|i k]
 [j l|k j]
 [j l|j k]
 [i k|l i]
 [i k|i l]
 [j k|l j]
 [j k|j l]

From this we see that the 𝐈₁ (one-body identity operator) contribution to |k̃⟩ can be written as a linear combination of |k̃⟩ and |l̃⟩, weighted by different components of the mixing coefficient vector $\vec{c}$ and various other integrals. This is all the information necessary to set up an efficient equation solver.


MCTerm(i, j, coeff, operator, source_orbital, integrals=[])

Represents one term in the multi-configurational expansion. i and j are indices in the mixing-coefficient vector c (which is subject to optimization, and thus has to be referred to), coeff is an additional coefficient, and integrals is a list of indices into the vector of common integrals, the values of which should be multiplied to form the overall coefficient.

OrbitalEquation(orbital, equation,
                one_body, direct_terms, exchange_terms, source_terms)

Represents the integro-differential equation for orbital, expressed as a linear combination of the different terms, with pointers to the list of common integrals that is stored by the encompassing MCEquationSystem object.

MCEquationSystem(equations, integrals)

Represents a coupled system of integro-differential equations, resulting from the variation of a multi-configurational EnergyExpression, with respect to all constituent orbitals. All integrals that are in common between the equations need only be computed once per iteration, for efficiency.
